Super Show for the Past Intendant General at Dr Waters Conclave.
Rt Ill Kt Charles Peter Lockett, was out representing the Intendant General at Leigh Masonic Hall, at the Dr Waters Conclave No 269 on Thursday 21st January 2016.
C Peter Lockett Evan Walsh, Arthur Jolly, Michael Greenhalgh, Ernest Butterworth, Colin Drinnan
He was treated to a feast of ritual, provided by the Members of the Conclave, to produce what can only be described as a "first class ceremony", but first the yearly business meeting had to be dealt with.
The M P S, Ill Kt Arthur Jolley, P G Prefect, declared E Kt George B Newall, E V Sovereign elect for the ensuing year and W Kt Trevor Jones as Viceroy Elect for the ensuing year.
The main business of the evening was a K H S Ceremony for W Kts, Michael Greenhalgh and Clive E Butterworth.
Well I can assure you that RT Ill Kt Lockett could not fail to be impressed by what followed.

Michael Greenhalgh, C Peter Lockett, Ernest Butterworth

V Ill Kt Colin Drinnan, P G H Chan, set the pace by a superb rendition of the 1st Point ably assisted by P Kt Evan Walsh, Div Sen Gen, as Seneschal, with Ill Kt Arthur Jolley, P G Pref, as G S V.
In the 2nd Point there was a change of players Ill Kt Arthur Jolley, changed places and with Arthurs usual style, delivered a quite a dignified piece aided by the Recorder, Ill Kt Peter Schofield as the G S V.
However, the "piece de résistance" was the 3rd Point, when Pt Kt Evan Walsh again took the floor, assisted by W Kt Peter Newall as Harbinger, and totally took the Conclave by storm with his rendition of that ritual. Most of us have seen Evan in action before, but never better. The Candidate must have been impressed, everyone else was.
Of course I have mentioned the principle players be the other Officers of the Conclave played their respective parts too, under the watchful eye of the Marshal, V Ill Kt Alan Slater, P G H Chan, and did not let the side down either.
Being a KHS Ceremony of course the Divisional Guard played their part to under the direction of their Captain, Ill Kt Bobbie Cliffe, and they always add lustre to the Ceremony.
The friendship and the camaraderie at the dinner afterwards rounded off a splendid evening.
Report and Photographs by Edwin Schofield Div. Eus.